Supportive Environments for Getting in Right Relation to Our Communities and Ourselves

Our objective is to collectively explore what environments can foster commitment, heart-centered connections to humans and non-humans, and trust, which together are defined as a “transformative relationality”. Building on insights from a workshop on “relational transdisciplinarity” organized last February by the tdAcademy in Leuphana University, the session will provide all participants with insights into the five steps to relationality and engage them in group discussions to identify community or organizational settings that have best supported our transformative change efforts.

Speakers: David Manuel-NavarreteCarlos Álvarez Pereira, Violeta Cabello, Vicki Nichols Goldstein


Relational transdisciplinarity – Five reflexive steps for embodying relational ontologies in transdisciplinary learning contexts
David Manuel-Navarrete
Transdisciplinary learning is achieved through building reciprocal relationships in collaborative processes that hold room for diverse worldviews and ways of knowing and being. Understanding how to nurture relational dynamics in specific research contexts is key to co-produce transdisciplinary knowledge. In this blog article, we propose five reflexive steps to embody relational ontologies for transdisciplinary learning. Embodying a relational ontology goes beyond building relationships or learning relationally. It means that researchers open up to co-becoming in-relation with the transdisciplinary learning context. Developed by a fellow group of international researchers from Malaysia, Botswana, the US, and Germany, we hope to provide guidance for a diversity of people interested in exploring how to enrich transdisciplinary learning processes



