T-Practice Workshop: Systems sensing in organizational complexity – Building capacities to relate to and learn from uncertainty

Speaker: Johann-Justus Wachs, Luea Ritter

Purpose-driven organizations find themselves in contexts of wicked complexity, which entail significant ‘uncertainty, dynamism, pressures from multiple sources in different directions’ (Waddock et al., 2021, p. 82). Definitions and perceptions of systemic problems and transformative solutions vary, making effective collaboration difficult. This session introduces systems sensing (Ritter & Zamierowski, 2021) as a navigational tool to engage this uncertainty and stay in relationship with the people and context. By using creative, embodied and intuitive ways of knowing, participants will practice learning from the ‘deeper wisdom of a system that is often hidden from view’ (Ritter & Zamierowski, 2021, p. 102).




