Online Online Opening Session

Online Room 1

Speakers: Bruce Goldstein, Julia Leventon, Glenn Page, Chris Riedy, Nick Graham Join us for the opening session of the sixth Transformations conference, where scholars and practitioners from around the globe gather to exchange ideas and initiatives for fostering sustainable, regenerative, and equitable futures. We will hear from our main conference host in Sydney and discover how our global […]

Online Panel: Transformative Paradigms and Practices

Online Room 2

Speakers: Bryan Jenkins, J. David Tàbara, Diego Galafassi, Jessica Böhme Presentations: Regenerative sustainability and transformative pathways. A relational perspective. J David Tàbara, Diego Galafassi Moving towards net-positive regenerative development pathways requires a cultural shift in the way we think about human agency, social-ecological systems and the relationships between both. In this talk, I introduce a relational, […]

T-Practice Workshop: Measuring collective impacts of community-led sustainability initiatives

Online Room 1

Speaker: Tim Strasser This session will explore together with other practitioners, evaluators and academics how the distributed and highly diverse movement of community-led sustainability initiatives (that ECOLISE is seeking to steward, enable, and catalyse) can tell better stories of the collective impacts they can potentially have and are already making. That is in order to […]

Online Panel: Transformative Leadership

Online Room 2

Speakers: Simon Beaudoin, Christopher Ives, Angela Moriggi, Michael Bernstein, Per Olsson Presentations: Synergies for transformations Simon BeaudoinFifty years after the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), a comprehensive environmental governance architecture is still needed. This article investigates the potential for adapting policies to synergies among socio-ecological issues. Aiming to identify promising avenues for transformative change, it presents […]

Online Panel: Transformative Learning & Knowledge Practices

Online Room 2

Speakers: Nithin Kuriakose, Sam Buckton, Julia Bentz, Anita Lazurko, Tani Khara Presentations Navigating Transitions: Exploring Emerging Design Attitudes forPluriverse Nithin Kuriakose Why do more complex problems arise the more we design? What are the design attitudes for societal transitions? How are they connected? This study explores why we need better design interventions and also evaluates, […]

State of the Field: Systems Education

Online Room 2

Speaker: Bruce Goldstein, Jayne Bryant, Marilyn Mehlmann, Debbi Brock Panel discussion of the state of the field of systems education and the opportunities for developing its reach and impact Education for Sustainability Leadership - Supporting and Empowering Agents for Sustainability Transformations Jayne Bryant The global challenges of our time are unprecedented and urgent action for […]

T-Practice Workshop: Thinking about the future with mind and body: combining the Three Horizons method and Theatre of the Oppressed techniques in sustainability transformations research

Online Room 2

Speaker: Amanda Jiménez-Aceituno, María D. López-Rodríguez Our session will focus on showing how transdisciplinary processes for imagining sustainable futures can be improved by combining conventional research approaches to knowledge co-creation (e.g., mental models and conceptual diagrams) with art-based research methods, specifically Theatre of the Oppressed techniques. We seek to spark the discussion about the advantages […]

State of the Field: Transformations Evaluation and Assessment

Online Room 1

Speakers: Glenn Page, Mark Cabaj, Kate McKegg, Mutizwa Mukute, Ian Goldman, Michael Quinn Patton, Bruce Goldstein Please join six of the global leaders in assessment in evaluation on Tuesday July 11th 14-15:30 CEST online - for an engaging dialogue on the current state of the practice of assessment and evaluation as applied to large scale […]

State of the Field: Financing Systemic Transformation:  An emerging field

Online Room 1

Speaker: Johan Schot, Magdalena Schneider, Steve Waddell, Bruce Goldstein Financing the transformation needed to respond to today’s polycrisis is grossly inadequate in scale and the processes to connect finance to systemic change work are almost non-existent.  Current approaches to financing – philanthropic, governmental and private – are largely unaligned with the needs associated with financing […]

T-Practice Workshop: Climate conversations workshop: facts, connection, hope, action

Online Room 2

Speaker: Etrit Shkreli, Katherine Palmer, Manon Doran This interactive, thought-provoking, and action-oriented workshop centers around the question: 'As individuals, what can we do about climate change?' Our goal is to create momentum for collaboration and transform awareness into effective and tangible steps. We will all face challenges, so let us rediscover our shared humanity – […]

T-Practice Workshop: Social System Mapping as a Transformative Process

Online Room 1

Speaker: Jim Best We live in a world of resilient complex adaptive social systems. Transformation in this realm requires tools of requisite complexity, a cognitive shift from systems-as-machines to systems-as-organisms, and a relational shift from ego-networks to eco-networks. Social system mapping is a powerful way to interact with, and perceive, systems. It is a community-engaging […]

Meditation: Compassion for oneself, others and the world

Online Room 1

Facilitators: Pål Dobrin, Therese Asplund This session is designed as a meditative practice and sharing of experiences among the online community at the Transformations Conference 2023. Based on the Buddhist tradition of the Four Immeasurables - loving-kindness (friendliness), compassion (willing to cease suffering), appreciative joy (feeling happy for others), and equanimity (calm based on wisdom) […]

Reflections, hopes and tensions in Contemporary Bioregioning: a forum for discussion

Online Room 1

Speaker: Sam Wearne, Ella Hubbard, Krisztina Jónás, Maria Wilke Our research project has generated insights into how bioreigoining is emerging. It sheds light on a range of topics that we feel are of interest to a broad audience of sustainability researchers and practitioners. Specific insights that we’ll share in the first part of our session […]

T-Practice Workshop: Reflect and Discuss Roles of Scientists in Sustainability Transformations

Online Room 1

Speaker: Franziska Marfurt, Sibylle Studer What is the role of research in sustainability transformations? Who acts as supporter, critical friend, integrator, midwife, … evidence provider? We believe that transformations gain effectiveness when roles are clarified. With the proposed practice we foster the capability to position oneself in a spectrum of roles. Furthermore, we provide a […]

T-Practice Workshop: Connecting science to sustainability transformations: how to create transformative research?

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speakers: Esther Turnhout (University of Twente), Josephine Chambers (Utrecht University) Many commentators lament the lack of action in response to evidence of environmental crises, making reference to a broken science-policy contract (Turnhout and Lahsen 2022). In response, we have seen calls to shift research priorities to the production of actionable knowledge. Although participatory approaches are […]

T-Practice Workshop: Assessing when Change is Transformative

Prague Room UN IC

Speakers: Fern Wickson, Julia Leventon Transformative change is currently receiving much attention from science, practice and science-policy interfaces. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change 6th assessment (released 2022) refers to the need for societal transformation to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and ensure climate resilient development. Further, the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem […]

T-Practice Workshop: Co-creative reflection and dialogue

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speakers: Felix Beyers, Carolin Fraude, Valerie Voggenreiter How can we confront and deal with fears while strengthening trust in the UN Climate Policy? Together with several partner organizations, the TranS-Mind research group at the RIFS (former IASS) took a special interest in this question at COP27 in Egypt last year. The aim was designing and […]

Creative Shiftwork: pluriversal, multi-modal methods for the hard work of perspective-shifting

Online Room 2

Speaker: Lisa Grocott, Mia Perry, Sharifa Abdulla, Reagan Kandole, Alison Colwell-Matsuura This panel will open up a dialogic and practical space for considering the affordances of creative methods when it comes to supporting people to shift their mental models, worldviews, beliefs and habits of mind. The shiftwork we will do together sits where the theme […]

T-Practice Workshop: Towards new models of knowledge exchange for sustainability transformations: A multi-sited dialogue (II)

Online Room 2

Speaker: Blane Harvey, Ying-Syuan (Elaine) Huang, Bruce Goldstein, Nick Graham The community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working on global climate and sustainability challenges are faced with two competing challenges: First is an ever-expanding body of knowledge, networks, and initiatives generating new insights that should be shared. Second is the growing recognition that fly-in-fly-out conferencing […]

The Bewilderment Game: Using stories as sense-making adventures

Online Room 1

Speaker: Meredith Lewis ‘Throw away the light, the definitions, and say, what you see, in the dark.‘ —Wallace Stevens We have all been jolted out of time and psychosocial space due to Covid, climate and natural emergencies, growing inequality, and their attendant disruptions and griefs. What does this mean for us? The Bewilderment Game is […]

Transformations Organizations

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Leaders of transformation organizations will explore: What are transformations initiatives, and how do they differ from other social change initiatives? What have we learned about how to design and structure transformations initiatives? What are the principal challenges in building and sustaining transformations initiatives, and how can we address those challenges? Moderators: Bruce Goldstein (Transformations Community) […]

World Café Day One Afternoon: Drawing on Diverse Sources of Knowledge in Partnerships

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speakers: Violeta Cabello, Sarah Velten, Eugenia Castellazzi, Sierra Deutsch, Viola Hakkarainen, Sara Zaman, Jakub Macha Presentations: Shifting values, knowledge systems and agency in education, institutes and policy Viola Hakkarainen, Sara Zaman, Eugenia Castellazzi From academics, policy makers, to practitioners, humans often work within the context of institutions that partially provide the scope of what a desirable future looks like. Sustainability and transformative change […]

Online Panel: Transformative Policy & Paradigms

Online Room 2

Speakers: Sofia Maniatakou, Nathalie Sänger, Jorge Martín Motta, Simone Sandholz, Laura Arévalos Presentations: Exploring the roles and capacities of large-scale actor coalitions for sustainability transformations Sofia Maniatakou Several transnational corporations, investors and philanthropic organizations have formed coalitions to respond to global social and environmental challenges of the Anthropocene. The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified calls for such partnerships to increase […]

Collaborative Systems Mapping and Visioning

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speakers: Julia Leventon, Zuzana Harmackova, Silja Zimmermann, Jan Christian Polanía Giese, Bruce Goldstein Panelists will describe their collaborative mapping processes, engage in dialogue about the similarities and differences in design, implementation, and purpose, and engage session attendees in exploring these questions related to how to engage diverse communities in identifying transformative outcomes and pathways, including […]

Decolonizing knowledge and learning systems by reconciling diverse ways of knowing

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speaker: Viola Hakkarainen, Joel Onyango, Gladys Kivati, Nora Ndege Viola Hakkarainen will introduce the concept of engaging with diverse ways of knowing for sustainability transformations, and Joel Onyango, Gladys Kivati, and Nora Ndege will provide an in-depth case study of Learning Libraries, an effort to decolonize institutionalized knowledge practices by developing culturally-embedded and  non-elitist knowledge […]

Community Podcasting from the Storytelling Initiative: A Gallery of Frontline Podcasts from Around the World

Online Room 2

Speaker: Jonathan Langdon, Blane Harvey, Maha Husain, Sangeeta Singh, Sheena Cameron, Tahnee Prior, Erika Xananine Calvillo Ramirez, Daniel Valdovinos Stories move people. Discussing transformations means moving people to transform; it is therefore crucial we focus on stories as central to a change agenda. This year’s conference theme of Transformative Partnerships for a Better World, as […]

Online Panel: Inner Transformation & Wellbeing

Online Room 1

Speakers: Pål Dobrin, Therese Asplund, Kira Cooper, Anne Taufen, Lakin Anderson Presentations: How can we cultivate individual wellbeing to support inner transformations? A wisdom tradition’s approach to personal sustainability transformations Pål Dobrin, Therese AsplundSince 2015 when the UN adopted 17 global goals to transform our world, research on sustainability transformations have increasingly attract attention in its […]

Online Panel: Just Transformation

Online Room 1

Speakers: Florence Reed, Hedda Reich, Rita Golstein-Galperin, Maayan Agmon, Issabella Orlando Presentations Working Together to Create a Just and Sustainable World Through Transformative Farming Training that Nourishes Communities and the Earth Florence Reed Climate change and biodiversity loss threaten the very existence of human society, while hunger and poverty continue to plague humanity. Though conventional farming practices are a […]

Online Panel: Transformative Policy & Knowledge Practices

Online Room 2

Speakers: Gilbert Michaud, Flurina Schneider, Kajsa-Stina Benulic, Niko Schäpke Presentations Operationalizing Demand for Renewable Energy Projects in Laggard States Gilbert MichaudAs part of the unfolding energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables, large, utility-scale solar and wind projects are increasingly being deployed throughout the United States (U.S.). While smaller forms of renewable energy, such as rooftop solar […]

Evening Reception at Vila Lanna

Vila Lanna V Sadech 1/1, 160 00 Praha 6-Bubeneč, Prague, Czech Republic

Reception is already included in registration fees, but please indicate if you'll be in attendance through this form. Logistics: The nearest metro station is Hradcanska and then it is a 10 minute walk – you can take the green line from Mustek. You can also take the number 18 tram from outside the conference venue to […]

Silence Spaces and their (self) transformative potentials for the socio-ecological transformation

Online Room 1

Speakers: Valerie Voggenreiter, Felix Beyers, Fanny Langner What does it take for a sustainable society? What is missing to rethink our future? Silence holds self-love, connection to one another and promotes resilience of social structures in times of radical change. Thus, solution-oriented approaches and answers can be found in silence. But where do we find […]

T-Practice Workshop: Engaging New Narratives for a Transformed Future

Online Room 1

Speaker: Marcelle Holdaway Today’s postnormal times marked by ‘complexity, contradictions and chaos’ require wisdom to heal ourselves and the planet. There has long been various theories and practices applied to ‘expand’ consciousness to access wisdom, and we draw upon one practice. This workshop creates the opportunity to experience tools that can provide a pathway to […]

Co-Sensing and Co-Creating the Future

Sydney Plenary Theatre (Prague Hybrid Room 206)

Speaker: Otto Scharmer   Join us for a keynote session with Otto Scharmer, renowned author and expert in the field of transformative change. In his presentation, "Co-Sensing and Co-Creating the Future," Otto will guide us through an inspiring exploration of how we can collectively sense and shape the future we desire.   Drawing from his […]

Headliner: How do we mobilize knowledge and create agency/capacity for transformative partnerships

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speaker: Katy Roelich, Zuzana Harmackova Public sector decision making for sustainability transformations Katy RoelichThere is an emerging focus on how sustainability transformations might come about (Hajer et al., 2015; Willis, 2020) but current research focuses on the role of civil society or businesses in developing alternative visions and business models. This overlooks the crucial role […]

Poster Panel

Online Room 2

Speakers: Zoë Deskin, Blane Harvey, Clara Mosso, Morgane Batkai, Julius Rathgens Presentations: Critical Food Systems Education in University Student-run Food Initiatives: Learning Dynamics, Outcomes, and Opportunities for Food Systems Transformation Zoë Deskin, Blane Harvey Student-run Campus Food Systems Alternatives (CFSA) have been proposed as spaces which have the potential to advance Critical Food Systems Education (CFSE) – the objective […]

Empowering transformations through self

Online Room 1

Speaker: Katie Ross, Betty O'Neill, Jane Slattery Many scholars, cultures, and spiritual leaders attribute the outwardly disparate challenges of our time to the seemingly ubiquitous and unconscious logic of separation. This paradigmatic logic or belief can permeate the ideas about who we are and how we should live and thus manifests in the actions and […]

T-Practice Workshop: Energy Systems Science and Practice for Transformation?

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speaker: Curtis Ogden Everything is energy. Energy systems science uses the ancient observation that all living systems are “flow-networks” - organisms and super-organisms whose existence arises from and depends on the circulation of energy, including resources, money, human capacities, information and so on, throughout the entirety of their being. Growing numbers of people are aware […]

T-Practice Workshop: Making the transformative potential of street experiments visible.

Speakers: Jan Peter Glock, Felix Beyers Street experiments are an innovative way to transform urban transport systems. However, the evaluation of such experiments often lacks the capacity to display the totality of their transformative potential. Evaluations are mostly carried out with narrow sets of output or outcome indicators, limited to (mostly quantitative) traffic science data, […]

T-Practice Workshop: Systems sensing in organizational complexity – Building capacities to relate to and learn from uncertainty

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speaker: Johann-Justus Wachs, Luea Ritter Purpose-driven organizations find themselves in contexts of wicked complexity, which entail significant ‘uncertainty, dynamism, pressures from multiple sources in different directions’ (Waddock et al., 2021, p. 82). Definitions and perceptions of systemic problems and transformative solutions vary, making effective collaboration difficult. This session introduces systems sensing (Ritter & Zamierowski, 2021) […]

Deliberative visioning with arts-based methods for just transformation pathways

Online Room 1

Speaker: Seona Candy In July 2021, the European Commission launched the ‘Fit for 55’ climate policy package, designed to bring EU policies up to speed to achieve a 55% reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Recognising that these technical mitigation measures may have negative social impacts, current and previous policy announcements have also […]

Online Panel: Transformative Leadership & Inner Transformation

Online Room 2

Speakers: Flávia Guerra, Thieu Besselink, Ethan Gordon, Johanna Couvée, Bouchra Lamsyeh Presentations: How to assess and define enabling mindsets for sustainability transformations? Insights from the Transformative Urban Coalitions project Flávia GuerraThis presentation challenges the audience to find out what their climate mindset is through a BuzzFeed-type quiz. This user-friendly and fun quiz was designed based […]

T-Practice Workshop: Practice session with TIPC’s Pentagonal Map tool: System mapping through a transitions lens

Online Room 1

Speakers: Victoria Shaw, Paloma Bernal Hernández This session will test the Pentagonal Map, an introductory Miro tool that features in the Transformative Innovation Policy Resource Lab: The tool provides a process for system mapping through a transitions lens to identify a dominant sociotechnical 'regime', helping a group to consider the actors, materials and rules […]

Resilience Assessment as Transformative Practice: The Global Ecovillage Network

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speakers: Luea Ritter, Allyson Quinlan, Anna Kovasna Resilience Assessment as Transformative Practice: Working across knowledge paradigms, scales and geographies to nurture local resilience and transformative capacity Anna Kovasna, Luea Ritter, Allyson QuinlanA close look at a multi-year assessment process that is underway for the Global Ecovillage Network, a multiscale place-based network of transformations initiatives.

Transformative Evaluation and Assessment

Prague Hybrid Room 2

The panel continues our consideration on how transformations practitioners design, manage, and facilitate transformations initiatives, with a focus on highly engaged evaluation practices. Adam Hejnowicz will begin by exploring how evaluation must play a central role in driving and shaping transformative change, and how urgent adjustments are needed for evaluation to become an integral part […]

World Café Day Two: Mobilizing Knowledge and Creating Capacity in Partnerships

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speakers: Felix Beyers, Florian Markscheffel, Taiwo Isaac Olatunji, Marianne Grace Araneta, Irmelin Gram-Hanssen Presentations Political Challenges of a Textile Transformation Felix Beyers Collaborative governance is a promising approach to address wicked sustainability challenges through global public and private partnerships between diverse actors of state, market and civil society. The textile industry is an excellent example […]

Developing Transformative Leadership Capacity

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Transformative educators and process facilitators reflect on their experience engaging in transformative leadership development and discuss how to cultivate and support effective and inclusive leadership of transformations initiatives. Table discussion will consider: How do we cultivate and support effective, inclusive, and adaptive transformative leadership necessary for these types of organizations/initiatives? What are we doing right […]

Transformative Learning in Practice

Online Room 2

Speakers: Justus Wachs, Uri Yitzchak Noy Meir Presencing Stories - Sensing into deeper forms of organizational collaboration Justus Wachs, Uri Yitzchak Noy Meir Many organizations tackle systemic crises while remaining "under-resourced, fragmented and marginal" (Waddock et al., 2022, p. 78). To increase the organizations' transformative agency, Waddock et al. (2022) call for the establishment of 'Transformation […]

Online Panel: Transformative Learning & Paradigms

Speakers: Federico Robledo, Thieu Besselink, Lindsay K. Campbell, Stefan Partelow Presentations Co-production of knowledge to facilitate access to climate information: the case of Argentina My Climate Risk Hub Federico Robledo Scientific institutions have a strategic role in generating knowledge and capacities based on the definition of social and environmental public policies, since they impact the […]

T-Practice Workshop: Systems sensing for individual and collective transformation: building capacities to be with what is and foster partnership across sector and place

Online Room 1

Speaker: Luea Ritter, Nancy Zamierowski, Johann-Justus Wachs We offer systems sensing (Ritter & Zamierowski, 2021) as a practice to foster transformative leadership culture and partnership across sectors and places. Systems sensing can be understood as including a visceral aptitude involving the felt senses, intuition, and emotions that draw on innate human capacities for being in […]

Online Panel: Transformative Innovations

Speakers: Luciano Villalba, Ailén Acosta, Velázquez Diego, Marcelo Stipcich, Simone Sandholz, Nathalie Sänger, Patrick Sanady, Tania Vachon, Christina Eisenbarth Presentations: Transformative innovation for climate adaptation in vulnerable neighbourhoods of Argentina Luciano Villalba, Velázquez DiegoThe Sixth Assessment IPPC report states clearly that climate adaptation in vulnerable regions is a matter of action that requires urgent and just […]

T-Practice Workshop: Activating Collective Potentials

Online Room 1

Speaker: David Pendle Otto Scharmer (2023) observes activating collective capacities towards systemic sustainability, is a primary deficit in many attempts at complex systemic transformations. Scharmer advocates awareness based systems change. Thus this highly interactive experiential workshop aims to offer a promising socio-cultural practice, in redirecting collective attention towards the spaces where these mostly dormant, shared […]

Toolkit for successful Positive Deviance / Solarpunk protocols in development

Speakers: Bobby Fishkin, Saskia Verraes, Mark Smith How do we know what we hope for is possible? How do we build a community that can work backward from the most inspirational examples that could possibly be drawn upon?  There are many degrees of positive deviance. Our narrative of the Great Library of Positive Deviance is that we […]

Meditation 2: Compassion for oneself, others and the world

Online Room 1

Facilitators: Pål Dobrin, Therese Asplund This session is designed as a meditative practice and sharing of experiences among the online community at the Transformations Conference 2023. Based on the Buddhist tradition of the Four Immeasurables - loving-kindness (friendliness), compassion (willing to cease suffering), appreciative joy (feeling happy for others), and equanimity (calm based on wisdom) […]

T-Practice Workshop: Exploring transformative learning: Drawing on the expertise and lived experiences of the transformation community

Online Room 1

Speaker: Filia Garivaldis, Annette Bos Aha learning moments, or Eureka moments, are defined as moments of sudden understanding, when learners begin to see connections that they were previously oblivious to (Pilcher, 2016). Associated with these moments are feelings of excitement, deeper understanding, realisation, and a change in perspective (Pilcher, 2016). These moments have been recognised […]

Headliner: Transformative Partnerships: What is Missing for Systems Change?

Speakers: Diana Lopez and Arwen Bailey, Fern Wickson, Carlos Álvarez Pereira CGIAR Community of Practice on Gender-Transformative Research Methodologies: Combining Feminist Approaches with CoP Praxis to Foster Transformation Diana Erika Lopez Ramirez, Arwen BaileyAdopting a gender-transformative agenda that embraces a feminist ethos can be challenging in certain organizational cultures, especially those whose primary focus is not […]

T-Practice Workshop: Showing Up for Ourselves and this World in Service: Embodiment Practices in Vulnerability for Societal Transformation

Online Room 1

Speaker: Anaïs Sägesser, Naveen Shamsudhin Societal transformation is a complex process that involves personal transformation, social equity, and systemic change. Central to this process is the recognition and acceptance of vulnerability - a ubiquitous aspect of living beings and ecosystems. In this workshop, we aim to explore how the cultivation of safe spaces can facilitate […]

World Café Day Three Morning (R1)

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speakers: António Ferreira, Jonathan Morris, Ine Dorresteijn, Tadeáš Žďárský Presentations: Children’s right to the city: Challenging technological, institutional and mental infrastructures António Ferreira It is widely accepted today that societies should be child friendly. It is also widely accepted that mobility plays a key role in determining how children, and people in general, perceive and […]

World Café Day Three Morning (R2)

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speakers: Daniel Peter, Sherman Farhad, Mirjam Schleiffer, Marta Nieto-Romero, Marta Varanda Presentations: Disruptive agency dynamics in urban sustainability transformations – A conceptual approach for studying insider-outsider relations in urban mobility systems Daniel Peter Human agency plays an essential role for societal transformations since people are in some perspective fundamentally the initiators and carriers of societal […]

T-Practice Workshop: Strengthening empathy and systems thinking as competencies for transformation towards sustainability – A hands on persona workshop

Online Room 1

Speaker: Anna Schwachula, Tatjana Reiber Redirecting pathways towards sustainable development requires substantive transformations throughout our societies. To find solutions for complex sustainability challenges, actors of different social groups and sectors need to cooperate. Competencies for transformation comprise of different types of knowledge, skills and attitudes. In the workshop proposed, we focus on practicing the competencies […]

T-Practice Workshop: Educating Sustainable Innovators in a Digital World: A new trans- and interdisciplinary approach for Higher Education Systems

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speaker: Sabrina Schork We know from former research that we need to develop self-effective individuals and self-organized groups that think and act sustainably as well as digital. The need to transform our society into a pro-actively shaping one that stays resilient (optimistic, solution-oriented, self-responsible, networked, and future shaping) in an unstable, volatile, ambidextrous, and complex […]

T-Practice Workshop: Ecological Empathy: A Relational Practice for Sustainability

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speaker: Lauren Lambert Ecological empathy can help to build human-nature (re) connection by enhancing relational values in sustainability practice. In this session I will present a step by step practice for considering more-than-human species into research contexts through building ecological empathy. This model is based on an integration of literature from biophilia, deep ecology, embodied […]

T-Practice Workshop: Practical Wisdom

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Speaker: Guido Caniglia, Rebecca Freeth, Marina Knickel Contributing to transformative processes of change towards sustainability is an admirable but daunting aspiration. These processes require embracing transformative change at multiple levels from personal to teams and entire organisations. In this T-session, we present an approach to foster transformative change based on the virtue of practical wisdom. […]

Online Panel: Transformative Policy, Institutions, and Organizations

Speakers: Genta Konci, Mariana Zafeirakopoulos, Glory Dee Romo Presentations Promoting paradigm shifts towards a climate-resilient world: Lessons from evaluations of the Green Climate Fund Genta Konci Most multilateral development agencies aim for change that is ‘transformational’ or that shifts the ‘paradigm’. In many ways transformation has become the holy grail in development assistance, with most […]

Spotlight on Place-based Transformations Initiatives: Food Systems New England

Prague Hybrid Room 205

Speaker: Curtis Ogden, Karen Spiller This session will entail a closer look at Food Solutions New England (FSNE), a 12 year old network advancing a more just, sustainable, resilient and democratic regional food system in the Northeastern United States. We will consider the importance of network weaving and development, core values including equity, and structures/roles […]

Supportive Environments for Getting in Right Relation to Our Communities and Ourselves

Prague Hybrid Room 206

Our objective is to collectively explore what environments can foster commitment, heart-centered connections to humans and non-humans, and trust, which together are defined as a “transformative relationality”. Building on insights from a workshop on “relational transdisciplinarity” organized last February by the tdAcademy in Leuphana University, the session will provide all participants with insights into the […]

Transformations as relations between actors: framing, reflexivity, and action

Online Room 2

Speakers: Marco Billi, Christina Zurbriggen, Roxana Bórquez, Anahí Urquiza, Silvana Juri   Presentations: Discussing structural, systemic and enabling approaches to socio-environmental transformations: Stimulating an interdisciplinary and plural debate within the social sciences Marco Billi In recent decades, the social sciences have engaged more deeply with the evolving interconnection and interdependence between the social and the […]

Synthesis and Brainstorming

Prague Hybrid Room 206

During this final session of the conference, attendees will reflect on their experience and consider how we can develop as a field, and how the Transformations Community can enhance our ability to be effective transformations practitioners and capable stewards of transformations initiatives. Speakers: Curtis Ogden, Julia Leventon, Bruce Goldstein

Concluding Remarks

Speakers: Susanne Moser; Bruce Goldstein Closing Session: Join your community for an invigorating closing session that focuses on turning inspiration into action! Hear from sensemakers cross the 300 sessions as we move into tangible transformations. Have your say on what stands out as most impactful, and shape the steps we’ll take moving forward. We’re honored […]